Battlemage dfo build guide
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battlemage guide
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Increases the damage of physical skills and basic attacks. Named after the original weapon with this property in DFO, Ghost Sword Elenore,- Adds Time Bomb to the Convertible Skill list. Apostle Dance - Atk. +11%. Chaser Launcher EX - Chaser Atk. increase A Battle Mage is fast, possesses superhuman fighting skills and is the only Mage able to master weaponry. At level 48, a Battle Mage can Awaken as a Bellatrix. The following is a short guide for Battle Mages at the current 50 cap, aimed towards PvP builds. I will shortly describe each ability and Battlemage is a very fast paced damage class in dfo. They revolve around using their basic attacks and skills to generate chasers, that can be used to inflict
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